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Data is everywhere.  Every person, every household, every company has data.  Data in a digital world enables analysis and therefore solutions to every day problems.


Apogee is expert in analysing data.  Our DATA MANAGEMENT skills are highly developed and enable us to make sense of a company's own internal data.  Tell us what you want your data to do for you and we can do it.  Click here for more information.


DATA SOLUTIONS is our ability to find the right dataset for out customers and provide it in a suitable format that meets the requirements of individual companies.  Apogee is a Solutions Provider for Royal Mail allowing us to license PAF data to end-users or use it in combination with in-house data to provide a variety of data solutions.  Apogee is also a licensed partner of Ordnance Survey allowing us to sell and use OS products that are not available through OpenData.  Click here for more information.

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